You shouldn't have to disable anything to use System Restore as McAfee doesn't block Windows processes unless of course they are infected.
However you can either disable or remove completely.
To disable VirusScan
Double-click the taskbar icon to open SecurityCenter
Click Virus and Spyware Protection
Click Real-Time Scanning
Turn off and tell it for how long you wish it to remain that way.
You can do the same for Personal Firewall under the Web and Email Protection drawer on the main screen.
To uninstall the product simply go to Control Panel/Programs/Uninstall a Program and remove it there and if necessary use the MCPR cleanup tool listed under Useful Links at the top of this page.
A reboot will be required to complete the process.
This could be caused by remnants of other firewall software present. Did you have one installed previously? If so try their removal tool of any.
Also check to make sure that Windows Firewall Service is started and automatic in services. That's the service not the actual Windows Firewall.
Go to Start/Run and type in services.msc and click Enter or in Vista/7 click Start and type services in the search box, it should appear above, click that.
In Windows 8 click the Windows + R keys simultaneously
Type in services.msc and click Enter
Scroll down the list and locate Windows Firewall Service and check it is started and automatic - doluble-click it if it needs changing.
If that fails then as you've already tried MVT you have two choices, either go straight to Technical Support. It's free by phone or online chat and linked under Useful Links at the top of this page.
Or go the long route of uninstalling everything via Control Panel > Programs then run the MCPR cleanup tool which is listed in the FAQ page listed under Useful Links above, reboot and then reinstall from your online account.
If you have been using registry cleaners, stop as those can also cause this.
Message was edited by: Ex_Brit on 17/02/13 3:52:18 EST PM
SiteAdvisor is being revamped, with more emphasis on the TrustedSource component. The SA site reports contain risk information from the test process, and so are always liable to show a delayed picture of a site's status. TrustedSource ratings are monitored and reset as required almost in real-time. Ratings of course are influenced by outside agencies, who sometimes make mistakes or don't update their records often enough. That's why there's an established ratings dispute procedure. As for the green-should-be-red thread : true enough, but it mostly reflects the personal opinions of its contributors. Occasionally there is a site which stands out as obviously misrated, and those sites do get re-tested. The system isn't perfect, but the more people who keep an eye on it and point out the shortcomings, the better it becomes.
If you don't like SiteAdvisor, you don't have to keep it. Just uninstall it, as Ex_Brit indicated.
I don't suppose you would care to let us know which are the sites that you have created which SiteAdvisor has misrated? One site would perhaps not be unusual, but multiple sites would seem to indicate an underlying issue,
All I can gather from the web on what to do when you see that:
Advanced Theft Protection has locked the system. This can be due to: theft, loss, timeout. (IN THESE CASES THE LATTER MOST LIKELY)
Please enter your personal security code for authentification. Incorrect entries will permanently delete all of the data.
I guess the problem here is that you never set up an authentication code or you don't know it. This may be provided by the seller or manufacturer of the machine or by the IT department for those using machines for work.
I don't use the product however so am just guessing here.
Message was edited by: Ex_Brit on 29/11/12 9:05:40 EST AM
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Password: (?) Remember Me McAfee Communities / Home and Home Office / Discussions window._jive_images_enabled = true; Please enter a title.You can not post a blank message. Please type your message and try again. Up to Discussions in Home and Home Office This discussion is archived 20218 Views 2 Replies Latest reply: Dec 10, 2011 8:14 AM byjah341 jah341 2 posts since Dec 9, 2011 Currently Being Moderated Dec 9, 2011 10:53 PM Internet Security Suite Uninstall Problems
Was wondering if anyone could help me uninstall the McAfee Internet Security Suite software for Windows Vista without messing up Internet Explorer 9. I've uninstalled twice now but have had to restore my computer both times because somehow the uninstall is messing up the browser add-on Adobe Shockwave Flash. It's a real pain trying to visit a website and you can't access most of it because Shockwave isn't working. Anyway, I'm done with McAfee, I just want to know how to uninstall without compromising my IE9. Thank you in advance,
Like (0) Tags: none (add) shockwave, adobe, security, vista, ie, internet, uninstall, explorer, suite Manoj_AR 72 posts since Dec 1, 2008 Currently Being Moderated 1. Dec 9, 2011 11:32 PM (in response to jah341) Re: Internet Security Suite Uninstall Problems
You can download the McAfee removal tool from the below link.
Download and run MCPR.exe Download the removal tool from Save, and save the file to a folder on your computer.Navigate to the folder where the file was saved.Ensure that all McAfee windows are closed.Double-click MCPR.exe to run the removal tool.
NOTE: Windows Vista users must right-click MCPR.exe and select Run as Administrator. Restart your computer after receiving the message CleanUp Successful. Your McAfee product will not be fully removed until the system is restarted.If you still having some issue with Shockwave/ Flash go to and re-install both flash Player and Shockwave Report Abuse Like (0) jah341 2 posts since Dec 9, 2011 Currently Being Moderated 2. Dec 10, 2011 8:14 AM (in response to Manoj_AR) Re: Internet Security Suite Uninstall Problems
Thank you so much! Removing McAfee through Control Panel/Program and Features was somehow interfering with Shockwave and I wasn't able to download it again because Shockwave has to be working to click on the Download button on the Adobe website.
The removal tool MCPR.exe worked perfectly and Shockwave is still operating. Again, thank you so much!
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Password: (?) Remember Me McAfee Communities / Home and Home Office / Virus and Spyware Protection / VirusScan / Discussions window._jive_images_enabled = true; Please enter a title.You can not post a blank message. Please type your message and try again. Up to Discussions in VirusScan 58320 Views 9 Replies Latest reply: May 4, 2012 1:34 PM byEx_Brit dlw1295 1 posts since Feb 6, 2010 Currently Being Moderated Jul 16, 2010 8:07 PM How to enter registration number
Just purchased AntiVirus 2010 there is no disc just the registration number tells you to go to and enter number that is a bad addres I have contacted Support and they told me to go to my icon tray right click on the Big M icon and click product setup I don't have a big M icon and I clicked where it says Mcafee and there is no product setup any ideas I am about ready to go to a different anti virus program as I can't get answers
Message was edited by: Ex_Brit on 16/07/10 9:07:33 EDT PM Like (1) Ex_Brit 56,339 posts since May 6, 2004 Currently Being Moderated 1. Feb 9, 2010 6:36 PM (in response to dlw1295) Re: How to entered regestration Number
McAfee only has one " f " - try that and it will work.
Toronto •Canada Volunteer Moderator - Consumer Products Moderators Can't Help you privately - please post Use Advanced Forum Search To Find Answers Beta Test McAfee Products For PC & MAC XP & Office 2003 End-Of-Life - 08 April, 2014 Anti-Spyware/Malware & Hijacker Tools Report Abuse Like (0) amadeus 1 posts since Apr 7, 2010 Currently Being Moderated 2. Apr 7, 2010 2:49 PM (in response to Ex_Brit) Re: How to entered regestration Number
How and where do you go to enter this code number to register thos product?
Report Abuse Like (0) Dinz 3,239 posts since Oct 13, 2009 Currently Being Moderated 3. Apr 7, 2010 3:08 PM (in response to amadeus) Re: How to entered regestration Number Hi , May I know what is the computer’s operating system ? Was the retail cards purchased from walmart or any other ? Regards, Dinesh K Dinesh Ex Community Admin Report Abuse Like (0) cowboy81973 1 posts since Jul 16, 2010 Currently Being Moderated 4. Jul 16, 2010 6:39 PM (in response to Dinz) Re: How to entered regestration Number
yes i bought it at walmart
Report Abuse Like (0) Ex_Brit 56,339 posts since May 6, 2004 Currently Being Moderated 5. Jul 16, 2010 8:07 PM (in response to cowboy81973) Re: How to enter registration number
I corrected the link in the first post in case anyone needs it in future.
Message was edited by: Ex_Brit on 16/07/10 9:07:55 EDT PM Toronto •Canada Volunteer Moderator - Consumer Products Moderators Can't Help you privately - please post Use Advanced Forum Search To Find Answers Beta Test McAfee Products For PC & MAC XP & Office 2003 End-Of-Life - 08 April, 2014 Anti-Spyware/Malware & Hijacker Tools Report Abuse Like (0) cathykress 1 posts since Nov 26, 2011 Currently Being Moderated 6. Nov 26, 2011 12:41 PM (in response to dlw1295) Re: How to enter registration number
i can not enter registration njumber
Report Abuse Like (0) Ex_Brit 56,339 posts since May 6, 2004 Currently Being Moderated 7. Nov 26, 2011 2:00 PM (in response to cathykress) Re: How to enter registration number
If you click the FAQ link at the bottom where it says Need Help? you will land on a page with a link to Customer Service at the bottom who will be able to help you.
(Click image to enlarge if needed)
Toronto •Canada Volunteer Moderator - Consumer Products Moderators Can't Help you privately - please post Use Advanced Forum Search To Find Answers Beta Test McAfee Products For PC & MAC XP & Office 2003 End-Of-Life - 08 April, 2014 Anti-Spyware/Malware & Hijacker Tools Report Abuse Like (0) simplelady 1 posts since May 4, 2012 Currently Being Moderated 8. May 4, 2012 1:27 PM (in response to Ex_Brit) Re: How to enter registration number
how do you get to the above page, in order to type in the registration number....too confusing
Report Abuse Like (0) Ex_Brit 56,339 posts since May 6, 2004 Currently Being Moderated 9. May 4, 2012 1:34 PM (in response to simplelady) Re: How to enter registration number
The link is posted in the very first post in this thread. It works, I just tested it.
Here are the steps I promised late yesterday on how to disable the backup service. Please try the steps and let me know if this work around is sufficent.
Steps to suspend McAfee Online Backup
Navigate to the System Tray ( to the left of the clock) at the lower right of the screen
Look for either the McAfee M icon or the Online Backup icon, ( Three arrows in a cirlce within a silver shield)
Clicking on the M icon
Double Click on the M icon
Navigate to and click the Data Protection and Backup Drawer top open it
Click on Online Backup link to open the Online backup status window
Now follow the steps in the section below
Clicking the Online Backup icon or Navigating the Online Backup windows
Click the Configure button to open the Configuration menu, This may take a moment to open
Click on the large Options Button at the top of the window (The button has Two Gears, one large and one small)
Click the Scheduling Tab within the Options section (Option Button background should be darker than the other buttons)
Note: On Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems you will need to click the "Change settings that are currenty unavailable"
navigate to and click the check box for "Temporarily suspend automatic and scheduled backups", lower left side of the window
Click the "Save" button on the Configuration menu
Click the "Hide" button on the Online backup status
I have just updated the steps as I had used some acronyms in the instructions. I do appoligize, it is a bad habbit. If further edits are needed please let me know. identify the section that needs to be updated and I can review the steps again.
Message was edited by: mrepuski on 23/09/10 12:01:40 EDT PM
I've passed on my laptop to a relative who wants to replace McAfee with some other anti-malware suite and asked me to remove McAfee Internet Security from the laptop. After removing it with the Control Panel removal tool I also ran the McAfee removal utility to make sure all remnants of McAfee were gone. The laptop now looks clean of it except one sticky option among the "Notification Area Icons": down at the right side of the task bar. It shows an icon entry that's named "mcagent.exe" with the usual 3 different options: Show icon and notifications, Hide icon and notifications, and Only show notifications.
Since McAfee has been uninstalled from the PC, this icon entry should also be gone, but it is still there. Has anybody figured it out how to remove it?
To illustrate that mcagent.exe entry for better understanding what I am writing about, I attached a snap shot of that screen below.
I got a 3 years mcafee internet security e card with the lenovo laptop in Thailand. When I register, I am trying to choos United states but the system replied "the language did not matched with the card.
Your XP is up to date, i.e. SP3 and has IE8 installed? McAfee utilizes Internet Explorer for functionality so make sure it's also up to date.
When you uninstalled did you first uninstall all McAfee components via Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs?
Run the MCPR cleanup tool and reboot.
Run the VCFix tool
Unpack that zip and use the appropriate one for your system, x86 for 32-bit, x64 for 64-bit systems. If in doubt what you are right-click Computer on your desktop or in your Start Menu and select Properties.
Run the McPreinstall tool
Go to your account and try downloading again.
If you did all that and it still doesn't work then I suggest you contact Technical Support direct.
It's free of charge by phone or online chat and linked under Useful Links at the top of this page.
Message was edited by: Ex_Brit on 30/07/13 2:22:35 EDT PM
Disclaimer : I realize this has been asked various times. I realize I should do a Google Search and/or search of the McAfee forums to see if this has been asked before. Guess what. I have. But the answers to all the other questions I found weren't working for me.
Recently, due to technical issues, I had released my laptop to Best Buy for repairs. They got rid of a multitude of viruses and malware. When I retrieved my laptop, I immediately started playing League of Legends to get my First Win of the Day. (Takes 8-10 minutes) Halfway through the game, my computer started having massive FPS, typically around 0-1. I returned to Best Buy for additional repairs. They took my laptop, repaired as best as they could (they did nothing, as they couldn't find anything). When they called me to tell me this, I returned. Went back home, started League of Legends again, same problem. 0-1 FPS. This occurs when using Google Chrome, as well. So I went back to Best Buy. They told me, "The next step would be a complete system restore to factory settings.", which I know how to do. So I left with my laptop, and gave my thanks.
The following day, I downloaded McAfee, uninstalled MalwareBytes, Norton, and AVG as they conflict with McAfee, and I figured having a firewall is better than AVG. And I don't use Norton. After an entire day if using every program I had available to scan my computer, from CCleaner to Disc Cleanup, I was able to play League of Legends with higher than average FPS. A constant 60, whereas I would otherwise be around 25-30. So I was ecstatic! This was fabulous! A few days later, the problem returned. I opened up the Task Manager to check what was taking up so much RAM, as I was pretty certain I got rid of whatever was causing the problem before. I found out McAfee On-Access Scanner was taking up the majority of my RAM, thus causing the low FPS.
Back to my disclaimer, I had searched Google for help. All the information talked about disabiling the On-Access Scanner through the VSE. I don't have VSE. The closest thing to On-Access Scanner I have is "Real-Time Scanner", which, when disabled, did nothing to solve the issue. I have McAfee Total Protection and McAfee File Lock.
Thank you for your assistance and reading. It's much appreciated.
Did you try all the various steps in the Technical Support FAQ TS101233:
Affected Suites: McAfee Total Protection McAfee Internet Security Suite McAfee AntiVirus Plus
Affected Products: SecurityCenter
Affected Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows XP
McAfee SecurityCenter fails to open, opens to a blank white screen, or you see a Java error. Other applications on your system might have the same issue.
This issue is often caused by problems with your Windows operating system. System files depend on one another to provide full functionality. If some of these components fail to register, for example, these interdependencies will fail to function.
Solution 1
If McAfee SecurityCenter displays a blank screen, it might be caused by an incorrect registry key that references jscript. Perform the following steps to download and run the script that fixes this.
Save any work. The script will ask you to reboot your computer when it completes.Click the following link and save the file to your desktop: p Unzip the file you downloaded and save mcscriptfix.bat to your Desktop.Right-click mcscriptfix.bat and select Run as Administrator.Click Yes in the User Account Control box, if prompted. While this script runs, a black DOS Prompt window will open on your screen. When you are prompted to Press any key to continue in the DOS Prompt window, click inside the window and press any key.Restart your computer.
Solution 2
Restarting your computer frequently resolves these types of issues, but deeper troubleshooting might be required. Perform each of the following solutions in order, then verify the issue is resolved. If your issue is resolved, you can stop there. If your issue persists, continue to the next solution.
Verify Java is installed and up-to-date
Close any open applications and restart your computer.Click Start and select the Search box.Type Programs and Features.Open Programs and Features.Locate Java in the list of installed programs. If Java is listed, click Start and select the Search box.If Java is not present, install it from you find multiple versions of Java installed, remove all versions, restart your computer, then install Java again. Type Control Panel.Double-click the Java icon.Click the Update tab.Click Update Now.
If the update tells you that you have the most current version, close the Java control panel and proceed to the next solution. If the update runs, restart your computer and try opening SecurityCenter again. If you still cannot view the SecurityCenter, proceed to the next solution.
Solution 3
Download and run the McAfee PreInstall Tool
Go to xe, and save the McPreInstall file to your desktop.Double-click McPreInstall.exe.Click Start inside the Preinstall Tool.Read the warning message and click OK to agree to the changes.After the preinstall tool completes, click OK.Click Close and restart your computer.
Open SecurityCenter. If you are still unable to see the SecurityCenter screens, continue to the next solution .
Solution 4
Uninstall and reinstall your McAfee Security product using the procedure in article TS101331.
Solution 5
If you still cannot see SecurityCenter screens correctly after completing all of the previous solutions you might have an operating system problem. Perform the following steps and make a note of any errors you receive.
Click Start and select the Search box.Type the following command and press ENTER: cmd Right-click command and select Open as Administrator.Type each of the following commands and press ENTER after each one. After each command has run, you will see a success or failure message: regsvr32 scrrun.dllregsvr32 jscript.dll regsvr32 vbscript.dll Additional for Internet Explorer 9 Users: regsvr32 jscript9.dll
Open SecurityCenter again. If you still cannot see the SecurityCenter screens, contact your computer manufacturer with these errors for additional assistance.
Ok this is weird- here is what i have just discovered.
I rebooted.
I opened internet explorer and nothing else to do a search...
I then tried opening mcafee
I had my normal screen
I rebooted
I didnt open IE or anything else after boot finished
I opened mcafee
Blank White Screen
I rebooted ran windows update - reinstalled IE9 (which caused another reboot after install.)
Blank white screen when i just open mcafee w/o doing anything else after reboot.
Rebooted again.
Opened Firefox (the browser I usually use)
Opened mcafee and got the normal screen
Virtual Technician USED to see my software before the unistall, now it doesnt. The last patch changed something in the program so the firewall stuff is now labeled Traffic Controller instead of something like firewall settings? And it changed from Stealth to some other setting that lets programs I do not want ot talk to the internet have full access.
I have been having the same problem, an error message saying that McAfee Service Host has encountered a problem and needs to close. The main impact seems to be that it stops my internet browser from working (I am still connected to the internet, but when I try to open a new page, or refresh an already open page, it just hangs).
I am using a Dell PC, operating Windows XP.
My internet browser is Google Chrome (I tried to open pages in Firefox when it first happened and that was also affected)
My McAfee is through BT NetProtectPlus
Security Center: v11, build 11.0.623, last update 25/11/11
Virus Scan v15, build 15.0.294, last update 01/12/11, DAT version 6546
Personal Firewall v 3.4, build, last update 12/09/11
I will try running the MVT as mentioned above, but would love some feedback in the meantime on how to address this!
I'm starting this new thread because input on this issue has got caught up in another thread about McShield.exe and is in danger of getting buried.
McAgent.exe is leaking. Every time I check mail throught OE, memory usage increases, to the point where I have to shut down the process at least once a day to prevent it from slowing down my entire computer. McAfee knows about this issue but are not prioritizing it - presumbably because there are more pressing problems.
Anyone else having the same issue, please post here. We need to get something done about this and only relentless pressure from as many users a spossibly with this problem will have any effect.
UPDATE: A fix for this issue will begin rolling out automatically to everyone on 9/7/2010.
Message was updated by: Somer Pyron on 8/26/10 2:07:52 PM CDT
I do not use Vista so cannot give detailed advice for this OS. I am still getting this problem with XP though, and it is enough to make it impossible to use my computer at times. However, I don't usually have to reboot but just to wait a few minutes when it then clears. But I do think it is still a problem with McAfee and they really ought to fix it one way or another - either with a normal update or with a special patch program. If they don't I am still seriously considering changing to another internet security provider.
I found the anti-spam in two places - one is in the McAfee Internet Security under Web and e-mail protection. When you turn off Anti-spam here you will somewhere (can't remember where) have to say ignore this.
With Windows XP Professional, Classic setting, which I use, the other place is under Control Panel/Admistration Tools/Services
Here I set the Anti Spam Service to Disabled. Everything else for McAfee I left at the default setting.
Whatever you do you should not turn off McShield even though it is mcshield.exe which produces the 100% CPU usage, as this, as far as I understand, is the main part of the Realtime Scanning.
I'm having the same issue since the last upgrade. Went through the virtual technician, wasted an hour with online chat where everything got uninstalled and reinstalled. I have 2G of RAM, and between last night's install and this morning, it's all of it's component are using over 1.5G of virual memory. And that's without ever doing a scan.
My system hasn't crashed yet. But based on performance since this last upgrade I can expect it to soon get real sluggish and then I'll have to reboot.
On top of that, because of the reinstall I now have that stupid anti-spam toolbar in my Outlook Express. I came here to try to find a way to get rid of it. But all I can find is people complaining that it's now missing. I want to remove it.
Good luck to all of us. I had a feeling buying this product was a mistake, but hoped that after not using it for 4 years they would have fixed some of the issues. Instead I get the same false positives I got then, and still no way to keep it from detecting them, so I have to restore after every scan.
I hope they do something about this memory issue -- I see a few other posts. But based on past performance, they'll deny it for 2 or 3 months, or until it makes it into a major magazine or website because somebody with clout gets clobbered. I would think that that shouldn't take too long, execpt those people are probably using the Enterprise version and already had their own crash.
I'm having the same issue since the last upgrade. Went through the virtual technician, wasted an hour with online chat where everything got uninstalled and reinstalled. I have 2G of RAM, and between last night's install and this morning, it's all of it's component are using over 1.5G of virual memory. And that's without ever doing a scan.
My system hasn't crashed yet. But based on performance since this last upgrade I can expect it to soon get real sluggish and then I'll have to reboot.
On top of that, because of the reinstall I now have that stupid anti-spam toolbar in my Outlook Express. I came here to try to find a way to get rid of it. But all I can find is people complaining that it's now missing. I want to remove it.
Good luck to all of us. I had a feeling buying this product was a mistake, but hoped that after not using it for 4 years they would have fixed some of the issues. Instead I get the same false positives I got then, and still no way to keep it from detecting them, so I have to restore after every scan.
I hope they do something about this memory issue -- I see a few other posts. But based on past performance, they'll deny it for 2 or 3 months, or until it makes it into a major magazine or website because somebody with clout gets clobbered. I would think that that shouldn't take too long, execpt those people are probably using the Enterprise version and already had their own crash.
I posted an earlier thread a while back regarding security center 2009 and high cpu usage related to a game I have installed:
Recently I did a complete fresh re-install of mcafee and when I installed (after using the removal tool) I was upgraded to security center 2010
Unfortunately the problems above have got worse - they are caused by other game executables and the system degredation persists longer than the minute or so it used to to be a permanent problem that is only resolved by hard-resetting the machine.
I have currently uninstalled mcafee (disabling the auto-renewal) and installed a trial of another product.
But I would like to get mcafee working again.
has anyone experienced bizarre high cpu usage by mcshield.exe?
I am getting this error also during shutdown. It's an "application error" saying "memory could not be written". I just installed Mcafee a couple days ago, it's the newest version. Doesn't seem like it happens every time, except lately it seems to.
Here's my about info:
Version 10.0
Build 10.0.569
lang en-us
update 2-14-2010
version 14
build 14.0.306
update 2-16-2010
dat 5894
dat dt 2-16-2010
version 11
build 11.0.378
ver 3
build 3.0.164
parental controls
build 12.0.281
quickclean and shredder
My laptop is a Dell e1505, with dell wireless 1390 wlan. Running XP SP3. Also, not much 3rd party software installed, I stripped it pretty bare.
So I just recently started noticing this performance issue first during gaming, but now while listening to itunes are even surfing the internet. I havn't yet seen it while completly idle though.
The computer lags horribly and any audio being played turns into a buzzing noise
this video gives you an idea of what i'm talking about. check 2:20 ish.
I run a windows 7 64bit
intel i7 2600 processor
8 GB ram
and a radeon 6900 graphics card.
also the computer was bought from Dell: XPS 8300, if that helps
What i did was run windows resource monitor while i was listening to music and surfing the web and managed to find out that it was McSvHost.exe that was causing these spikes; which spiked to 100 percent then back down to normal in roughly a third of a second. I'm guessing cpu usage at 100 percent is probably causing the lagging and buzzing. Not sure if its recomended to delete McSvHost.exe permanently. i'm hoping that an update of somesort will fix it.
I hope that someone can give me a solution. My computer is almost brand new and i can't get full enjoyment out of it.
I'm running the latest version of Mcafee Security Center. After the January 19, 2010 update, the process McSvHost.exe (which is actually a McAfee process) randomly fluctuates from up to 50% of my processor time to 0%. Once this happens (usually after a few hours of the PC being booted up), it cannot be stopped unless I temporarily disable my wireless network adapter. Apart from it being annoying, it also has a very real impact on my PC's video rendering capabilities, causing uncontrollable stutter in video playback, gaming and every other graphics-intensive process.
A friend of mine has the same problem, only in his case, the McSvHost.exe process starts taking up 50% of CPU immediately after boot-up. Both PCs run WinXP SP3 Professional, with 3GB Ram and fairly new (less than two years) CPUs and even newer GPUs.
I hope this is resolved ASAP, as I am really disappointed that it's been now almost two weeks this has been happening and I am tempted to switch to another security program, that doesn't actually crash my computer.
Security Scan Plus isn't an antivirus it's merely a sales gimmick to get people to buy things and is one of those optional extra downloads one has to keep eyes open for when downloading other software, especially Adobe products.
I could have told you to uninstall that if I'd known.
1-855-333-5996 isn't a McAfee number but one of those fly-by-night "Fixit" firms. Although from their web page they look fairly respectable, but certainly not McAfee.
It wasn't McAfee that was trying to rip you off.
Message was edited by: Ex_Brit on 27/05/13 8:01:14 EDT PM